services & scheduling

The Journey

Not sure you are ready or what you could discover? Let’s have a discussion. This isn’t a sales pitch. It’s simply to help you determine what soul growth you might experience with HLM. From there, you decide if what’s right for you.

Levels you can choose:

  • Basic (1 week): purpose mining to determine what you are looking for and what stops you from achieving your purpose
    One 1-hour session: $90

  • Intermediate (3 weeks): purpose mining + a plan to discover and plan out your goals
    Three 1-hour sessions: $100

  • Extended (6 mos+): purpose mining + a plan + accountability to discover and overcome roadblocks
    Weekly 1-hour sessions: $150/session

You’ll receive by email a form to complete to help get us started with some basic information. Once that is returned, we’ll schedule a time together. All sessions would be scheduled virtually, unless there is an agreeable alternative.



“I would like to thank Mr. James Holmes for my great experience with him being my life coach, during a time when I was going through a lot of family issues and a dying mother. His insight with my feelings and knowledge on information that he had, opened up options to me that I wasn’t aware of at the time. I would like to thank him for being a beacon for me during this turbulent time in my life! The storm is now over for me, and his guidance was indispensable!” — Milton

"In general I like your goal focused approach and how you break everything down. This really helps my spastic over-processed thinking. Regular small sessions and checking in to see progress are the best!" — Denise

Mr. Holmes has provided excellent care. He is nonjudgmental and an awesome sounding board. Mr. Holmes displays a relaxed demeanor which put you at ease. It opens the door for a great give and take conversation. He is a wonderful Counselor. — Charles B.