services & scheduling
The Journey
Not sure you are ready or what you could discover? Let’s have a discussion. This isn’t a sales pitch. It’s simply to help you determine what soul growth you might experience with HLM. From there, you decide if what’s right for you.
Levels you can choose:
Basic (1 week): purpose mining to determine what you are looking for and what stops you from achieving your purpose
One 1-hour session: $90Intermediate (3 weeks): purpose mining + a plan to discover and plan out your goals
Three 1-hour sessions: $100Extended (6 mos+): purpose mining + a plan + accountability to discover and overcome roadblocks
Weekly 1-hour sessions: $150/session
You’ll receive by email a form to complete to help get us started with some basic information. Once that is returned, we’ll schedule a time together. All sessions would be scheduled virtually, unless there is an agreeable alternative.